Europski EURid, organizator natjecanja .eu Web Awards 2022. na kojem smo odnijeli pobjedu u kategoriji medija, objavio je veliki tekst s prvim izjama inovatora. Među njima je i naš Ante Fumić, čitajte i pogledajte tekst u nastavku.
A young Croatian entrepreneur’s longstanding devotion to promoting his native region earned him the House of .eu award. Ante Fumić, whose website likaclub.eu has been showcasing the Lika region for eight years now, stepped up to receive the award in this category, which rewards a website, or blog representing companies or individuals in the news, media or entertainment industry.
“I’m totally excited, I didn’t expect this in my dreams,” said Fumić after the ceremony. “Our idea is to tell good stories from the Lika region and to call people back to the area.”
Cijeli tekst u grafičkom obliku čitajte u nastavku.
Članak čitajte i na linku: https://eurid.eu/en/news/2022-eu-webawards/