Ultra Europe se vraća na HVAR
Kao što je i najavljeno danas točno u podne objavljena je nova (stara) lokacija na kojoj će se održati jedan dio Ultra Europe festivala koji je prošle godine šokirao uspjehom i posjetom u Splitu i na Hvaru.
Organizatori su još jednom odlučili provesti i drugi dio velikog eventa na otoku HVARu.
Pročitajte i službeno Facebook priopćenje koje prenosima sa stranice Ultra Europe:
It is finally official!We are going back to the best kept #secret of the Mediterranean-
Ultra Beach will be at the beautiful Amfora Hvar Grand Beach Resort!
(tickets are available NOW at www.ultraeurope.com)
This destination is the perfect backdrop for this #exclusive event and it will most definitely be the place to be July 15th, 2014!
Be one of the fortunate few who will be part of the grand Ultra finale in #Hvar.
We will offer you the best artists, most #beautiful people from 100+ countries and a unique experience you will never forget!
Get your ticket now –> www.ultraeurope.com!
Limited number of tickets are available so hurry up to get your entrance to paradise called #UltraBeach!